That notification sound..


My phone
Is like a whining baby
Who keeps on
Whining always
Some notification sound
Now and then
Some notification sound
At regular intervals
But I don’t care much
For any of those
Until I hear THAT SOUND
For which I crave
No matter what I am doing
I never fail to attend to it
And if it’s not you
Yes I curse
Under my breath
And keep my phone aside
Doing the unnecessary
Things which I do
To wait for
Until I hear
It again


This is in response to Kritika’s Five Photos, Five Stories Challenge. Thank you Kritika for giving me this wonderful opportunity to express my thoughts in a different manner. It’s the end of this challenge. Thank you Kritika, I really loved it 🙂

The challenge is – “Post a photo each day for five consecutive days and attach a story to the photo. It can be fiction or non-fiction, a poem or a short paragraph and each day nominate another blogger for the challenge”

I would like to nominate Sheth for this challenge(Day 5).

15 thoughts on “That notification sound..

  1. Oh, boy. A challenge?! Well, it is definitely going to be challenging, but I’ll do my best to live up to it. Looking forward to this… Thanks for the nomination. 🙂
    That one sound, haha, yes.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi!
    I liked your poem. I crave the sound of the WordPress bell 😊Thanks for dropping by my site. I know some bloggers here; it’s nice we’re in the same community. I’m glad you liked my new post about how to get graphics into comments. Nice to meet you
    Janice, Reflections

    Liked by 1 person

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