No More pleading..


To not harm

To not beat anymore

To not give pain

Comes from the heart

Of a mother

When her children

Are being tormented

By their own father

Because they are

Close to the mother

And not him

Because they share

Their feelings with her

And not him

And the mother

Cries helplessly

Pleads for mercy

Begs for the torment

To stop

Not thinking

That the mother has

All the power

To take care of her children

And take them with her

Just as she would had done

If not for her husband

She is strong

She knows it

And could had proved also

But it was her husband

She was to face

And that made her weak

That made her a crying doll

That made her a puppet

This made her children weak

This made him strong

Because she had forgotten

That other’s weakness

Is not her strength

And vice versa

When she realized

She acted

She stood her ground

Protected her children

And now they all smile

And try to help as many as possible..

What about the father?

No one cares..


P.S. :  And here ends another month, another September and today’s choice is When September ends of Green day 🙂

48 thoughts on “No More pleading..

    • Thank you so much Love ❤ I am sorry I was totally occupied and now I am 3 superb videos behind and will watch them soon ❤ I will be traveling tomorrow but surely soon 😉 Sorry and see you soon as 11th is coming faster 😉

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