Stairs & gravity

Isn’t it amazing
The things which
Take us high
Beyond our imagination
Gives us a feeling
Of cloud nine
Makes us feel
Ecstatic and divine
Makes us #TheKing
Can also be the
Things which can
Bring us down
Injure us beyond recovery
Bury to our graves
Crush us without
Any comeback
These things are like
They take us
And can also
Bring us down
It depends on the
Direction we choose
For ourselves
And also the attitude
We have towards life
And others
And these things
Will play a factor
In deciding
In which direction we
Move with the
Passage of time
It takes time to
Move up
Against gravity
Because gravity is
Our competitors
They are there to
Make things tough
For us
But we gotta rise
Rise above them
And when we move down
We’re welcomed
With open arms
May be with a garland
To join others
Who are below you
So that is gravity
Helping us there
To reach our low
So when we’re
Going through tough times
Remember we’re moving
UP and UP
And tough times
Can make
Us tough individuals
So good luck
On the way to
And don’t
Forget to appreciate
The stairs &
The gravity πŸ™‚


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P.S.: Weekend may bid adieu for now but the feeling of weekend will always be there buried deep within our hearts πŸ˜‰  Today’s pick is Hot and cold of Katy Perry πŸ˜‰

28 thoughts on “Stairs & gravity

  1. Really awesome post and comparison of stairs and gravity to life’s ups and downs and that the tough times are our best teachers. I think walls are also there not to keep us out but to show us how high we can climb to get over them if we want something bad enough. πŸ™‚ Love the hashtag #TheKing πŸ˜‰ I suppose #TheQueen could also be used…This Katy Perry song is great and very fitting for your well written post πŸ˜€

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