What is difficult?

 It’s not difficult to be good
It’s not difficult to smile
It’s not difficult to be kind
It’s not difficult to be polite
It’s not difficult to forgive
It’s not difficult to succeed
It’s not difficult to improvise
It’s not difficult to enjoy
It’s not difficult to go for leap of faith
It’s not difficult to be patient
It’s not difficult to listen
It’s not difficult to do anything
Then what is difficult?
Trying all the above is difficult
Because before trying
There is a 50-50 chance of outcome
But once we decide
Once we make our mind
Then there is no difficulty
Because after the decision
With some sincere actions
We will get success
And it becomes 100-0 for success
P.S.: Today’s pick is Push of Enrique Iglesius 😀

45 thoughts on “What is difficult?

  1. Yeah darshith !!ur poem is so cute n beautiful n nearest to life.yes.there is nothing impossible as NepoleanBonapart said.we need to hard working to get our target or change our nature. now,if u no mind,i want to know why have u not told to dear jenifer about old delhi n kashmir?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I doubt the 50-50 ratio before we start.. At times it seems like 10-90 for loss-win ratio.. 😉
    Even that would turn to 100-0 with full hearted effort and undivided attention to task.. 🙂
    Good post..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, inspiring thoughts and words 😀 Yes usually we need to get out of our own way to live our best life and actions speak louder than words when it comes to something difficult. When there’s a will there’s a way if something is worth fighting for. Great image, great song 🙂 Happy Monday 😉

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  4. Well said.. Very true bhai… Difficult is only when our mind thinks it is difficult to do it.. But when we fix something in our mind, we find path to what we want without any difficulties, because our mind is strong enough to overcome any problems in the path..
    Good evening bhai.. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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