From Blind spot to Yellow spot

We’re born blind

We’re born naive

We’re born innocent

We’re born to be born again

We’re always in God’s blind spot

And there we remain

Until we give our best

Until we try hard

Until we give it all

Then only, slowly and gradually

We start our journey from

The Blind spot to

The yellow spot

And, life starts changing

From good to better to best

The journey ain’t easy

It can be traveled alone

We gotta have faith in us

We gotta have friends to support us

We have to start this journey

Sooner or later

Or regret it forever

And I tell you

Regret ain’t the best of things for you

It’s always working hard

Giving it a shot

Giving it several tries

And succeeding

Because we got one life

Because we gotta prove

Because being in the blind spot

Ain’t so beautiful

So, go ahead and

start your journey to

The Yellow spot

It’s waiting for your presence

P.S.: This topic is so close to me and the idea was given by Aditi. She is a great blogger and has awesome personality. Another blogger, Shweta aka Bollywoodarian, requested a vlog on Insecurites and here it is. Hope the vlog helps everyone in some way ❤

9 thoughts on “From Blind spot to Yellow spot

  1. I like how you explained this. I agree that no one is inside God’s blind spot, but to truly be “visible,” one does need to take that first step. I believe that ultimately, God is the all-doer, but we have to at least try and meet Him halfway. Intriguing post and vlog. 🙂

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