Was it love or one-night stand ?!!


Was it love?

Or a longer version of

One-night stand?

We knew each other

And don’t misunderstand

It for a deep relationship

It was all hi, hello, and bbye

Added with sex

And then again vanish

From each other’s life

All to meet again

For moments of pleasure

Or satisfaction or some change

Just to be puff again

And that was satisfying

To me and to her also

Or that’s what she said

I didn’t try to dig deep

Into what she actually felt

Because that would leave me

All vulnerable and alone and beatable

And just a hint of the breeze

Will be my downfall

So to avoid my downfall

I played with her

Or again was it me being played?

Every moment of separation was chaos

And seldom we thought about each other

Maybe mostly when we were in the

Arms of our better halves

But we missed & imagined each other

During that moment of pleasure

When the toes are all curled

Lips are all wet

Fingers on the back of the skin

Of the other

Just hoping to open eyes

To the familiar face of her

Smiling back & wanting me more

And it was always my better half there

Whom I loved no doubt

But definitely

Less than her

And after the act

I was always happy

With my better half but

Then why do I miss her during the act?

I have been pondering on that

Since we were apart and will

Keep on pondering till

My heart & soul & body are apart

What is love and what is One-night stand?

Ask me and all you will get

Is silence !!

P.S.: This was a draft since more than 2 years and I do not know how twisted my mind was or it still is πŸ˜€ Hope you enjoyed the chaotic taste of love and yeah, have a great weekend! And as September is on the verge of ending, this post’s song is Meant to be by Bebe Rexha. And, remember my YouTube channel, Darshith Badiyani, please do the honors πŸ˜€

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