The domino effect

I was there
Just existing
Working on myself
Evolving by learning to dance
To read more
To smile openly
And that was it
and you were there
Going through the tension
Through the trauma
Through the challenges
Through the hardships
Trying to face them
Trying to avoid them
Trying to solve them
And whenever possible, fix them
You were giving your best shot
Sometimes questioning, “Why me?”
Crying through the night
Waking up with sore eyes
And worse, sore mood
and ill health
But you were not giving up
But the thoughts and memories always linger
It kept haunting you
You kept dodging them
And so was the battle played
You were eventually tiring
The thought of giving up was creeping in
But you held on
You didn’t doubt yourself
You didn’t question your past decisions
Which led you into this very battle
It was what you chose
And maybe you accept it now too
But, now you got yourself a cheerleader of a sort in me
Someone who can try to encourage you
And try to help you to not give up
Not to give in
Not so soon
Not ever
And you feel confused
That you never asked for a cheerleader
So, why him? Why now?
And I do not have an answer
All I can say that life is such
And everything follows the domino effect
Each and everything in your life
And mine
Have led us to this point
And hence here we are
You fighting your battles
With more ferocity and more calmness
Not only for yourself
But also maybe for me
And also for others who mean the world to you
And hence comes the saying
“United we stand,
Divided we run towards each other to be united.”

P.S.: Today’s song pick is I swear by All-4-one. I used to listen to this song in loop and then forgot all about it and now it is back again in my life and I welcome it with open arms and the memorized humming of the lyrics. How are you all? What are the weekend plans?