Please knock someone else’s door

Please knock someone else’s door

And see whether they open it

Or flinch on hearing your knock

Because I am sure

They will turn a deaf ear

And pretend that it is pin drop silence around

As they don’t want to be troubled by you

By your narrow thoughts and ramblings

Please keep those negative vibes

To yourself and don’t let it be communicable

If you can’t spread happiness

Then simply don’t spread anything

And do favor on all of us

Once you know what others do

When you knock on others door

And see their reaction to it

Then come to me with a soft heart

Not a greedy heart as before

And you’ll be welcomed with a smile

Distinguish between genuine and fake people

And treat them likewise

Smiles to all

Laughs and hugs to the genuine ones


P.S.: Today’s pick is Sorry, blame it on me by Akon 🙂 Happy weekend and Happy navratri ❤ I love Sheldon & TBBT 😛

40 thoughts on “Please knock someone else’s door

  1. Darshith, your writing amazes me. 🙂 This is such a powerful post about genuine and fake and how the fake people disrespect the genuine ones. Definitely laughs and hugs to the genuine souls, they’re the ones who really deserve it. 🙂 As for Sheldon and #TBBT, I ❤ him and that show 😀 He knocks on Penny's door all the time and they are so incredibly genuine 🙂 Amazing song choice about taking responsibility in life. Some are better than others 😉 Happy Navratri 😀 It's finally the weekend 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Whoa! It was hard-hitting! The reality of modern day world. Your poetry is so unconventional and out of the box. You make hidden emotions exaggerated to the extent that they hound people, in a good way of course!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thumbs up to ‘spread happiness’, ‘shun negative vibes’, your choice of lovely Akon song, and pretty communicative simple words. But, somehow I love ‘nay-sayers’, critics and people who seem to hate me, more than people who flatter me. As you said aptly, “Distinguish between genuine and fake people”.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very nice poem 🙂 happy navratri to you too 🙂 I too like this song by akon 🙂 quite meaningful 🙂 shieldon is everyone ‘s favorite 😉


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