You are prettier only when..

You are prettier only when you listen to me

You are prettier only when you do as I say

You are prettier only when you keep your mouth shut

You are prettier only when you don’t think much

You are prettier only when I am happy

You are prettier only when you are by my side

You are prettier only when you stay obedient

You are prettier only when you stay loyal to me

You are prettier only when I love you

You are prettier only when things are in my favor

You are prettier only when I am all you got

You are prettier only when you owe me your happiness

You are prettier only when I want to make love to you

You are prettier only when you have me

And I m the ugliest when I have you

And to make both of us beautiful

You left me and

Now you definitely are valued and the most beautiful 

Pretty_Word (1)

89 thoughts on “You are prettier only when..

  1. To be honest at first I thought what is this ?? Is that the meaning of being pretty for darshith but then I redad your Prespective and the meaning of the poem and it makes sense now and it’s truly beautiful and I am glad some men like you don’t think that way. All women is beautiful in their own way, their humanity, mentality, prespectives and kindess but men choose to be blind to all that and choose define and limit their beauty and they switch the true meaning of beauty to their desires, to what they love . I really live the while idea and Prespective of the Poem and the last lines were heavenly beautiful, I am literally in love with these word who needs love when he can read or in your case write such beautiful line? I know I don’t 🙂 do you ?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh wow !! I would again say that reading ur heartily comment my Monday has become beautiful 😉 nothing can make my day more brighter 😉 about the post, no its not my perspective of defining the prettiness of a gal. But there are many men out their who can easily feel that they are the guy of this post. Women are the most beautiful art of God and hence needs all respect and admiration 🙂 Thank you for finding this post so beautiful and yup when you can read and write who needs love 😉 but at some point loves invades when you least expect it and becomes the most priority thing in ur life 😉 one can enjoy whatever life has to offer 😛

      Liked by 1 person

      • I am so glad i could add some light to your days and you are right love do invades when you least expect it but a lot of people do the common mistake of searching for it and spending their live thinking about it and they don’t realize that love cannot be searched for, find or planned and it will enter your life when its turn to enter. They just need to have a little faith that it will. So, until love some we should all have the times of our lives and just wait 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • Oh I think you have had a good first hand experience in love 😀 and what you said was all 100% true !! Searching for love is baseless as love is faceless yet so very powerful that it can only be felt. And love invades at the right time and the most important thing is we should trust nature & God that it will bring the right person at the right time with right things to say/do to you. Life becomes futile if we search love so instead we can feel love in the million lil things out there 🙂 and your comments every mrng surely do make my day 🙂 Good day Salwa 😀

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              • Actually I don’t wanna it to come now at least, I want it bit later in Life maybe after 7 years or so. I know I know I can’t control it but I also believe that what I want is what I will get. Hopefully everything turns why out just the way I want it and hope you will find your significant other in the right time in the right place and everything turns out just perfect 🙂 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

                • Hahhaha yeah I can change anything, I am like superwoman.
                  I can do and change anything 😀 and my health is great, thank you so much darshith for Asking 🙂 🙂

                  Liked by 1 person

                • I wish there was anything exciting but I have to study but Ofcourse I am procrasinating, I have finals now, since last week and still I have 9 more days to go until the school years, I would rather be watching gossip girl or writing but unfortunately I can’t and I am sorry I know I reply late sometime it’s because of this stupid school and it’s stupid exams, just 9 more days and I will have my beautiful exam free life back 🙂 🙂 thank god you don’t have to go through this work is way more fun 🙂

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Whoever said you work is fun must be a CEO of some big firm & not an employee 😀 oh your exams are going on? Then no problem you can reply late and I can understand 😛 and it’s just a matted of 9 days 😉 which is your next exam & when? Then after that you can watch Gossip girl for the zillionth time and write anything 😀

                  Liked by 1 person

                • What’s wrong with being an employee? That’s more fun. My next exam is physics which I hate and doesn’t understand a single word or it an it the day after tomorrow but I am trying to study in order no to fail, cause I have a feeling I would barely pass mechanics which I also hate and don’t get me started in algebra I literally had no idea I had that exam until the night before accidentally wehile talking with my friends and yeas I was lazy and didn’t check the schedule and I know I sound like a really bad student but I am actually one of the good, just this term I don’t feel like studying or focusing

                  Liked by 1 person

                • WP effect? 😀 its okay everyone feels like the same in some phase of studying years 😉 physics I also didn’t like much & mechanics and free body diagram was oh over the top of my head 😀 but I loved algebra & may be I can help you with that 😉 but make sure you study the right subject for the right exam 😛 and being an employee is fun with its cons attached 😉

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Hahaha don’t worry I did 🙂 but no I hate math but I love biology and chemistry they are my favorites and I also really enjoy
                  English and Arabic, what else did you like in school ? I know you are an engineer but in what exactly, my dad is an engineer and my sister is an archetict 🙂 but no offense I don’t like engineering at all it’s a great job but not for me 🙂 🙂 I am more of a science and business kind if girl 🙂 🙂

                  Liked by 1 person

                • I am an engineer not because I loved it 😀 just because it was available & I choose that 😛 I was a big introvert in school days but I also loved Biology & Chemistry & especially the balancing equations 😛 those wonderful days 😀 Wow, your sis is an architect, great !! 🙂 I don’t like any business related stuff 😉 may be in future I can go that way 😛


    • Thank you Naima for expressing your true comments and yeah same is the case with me 🙂 but this world is vastly filled with these self-centered people and we gotta deal with them no matter what. Thank you again 🙂

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    • Hi Kritika – My understanding of this is that he has portrayed a man who only values a woman based on what she can do for him (i.e. very selfish). He only sees “pretty” because she fills his various needs.
      When she eventually leaves him, he appreciates her even more however, it does pose the question: Is he appreciating her more because he now sees a value in her, or simply because he can no longer control her?
      “I am the ugliest when I have you” is an interesting choice of words which (to me) mean that he is fighting with his conscience i.e. He knows that what he is doing is wrong and therefore feels bad.
      Of course darshith0000 may have a totally different response to your comment!!!!!

      Liked by 3 people

        • Well thank you kind sir for those words. I have had a pretty good education in many things, including life in general. It is always nice to be able to share thoughts knowing that they will be received in the spirit intended.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Oh yeah Colin always keep sharing and you will received with more delight than you expect 😀 as you keep me thinking and hence good positive thoughts are generated from my small mind 😛 You’re a scholar then 😉 Knowing life is the difficult of all the knowledge 😀


            • I don’t believe that we can ever know life completely but rather should simply try and understand as much as we can. Life can be a harsh teacher, but if we are open minded (willing to learn), the rewards are priceless. Pity those with closed minds, inflexible standards, rigid perspectives for they can never learn to be at peace with themselves, nor with the world around them.

              Liked by 1 person

              • Yes life is not just if one individual but of all loving beings. Knowing life is just like knowing how universe works and every miracle of this world. But yes if one is open minded and willing to learn and grow he can find living enjoyable and rewardful 🙂 and there are very less people who are like that. Most just exist and are not related to peace in any way. Wow. Your thoughts are gem.


    • All the lines are from the men’s perspective. How he thinks that his life partner is pretty on what all conditions. And in the end, he reveals that his partner left him because for his conditional love. The partner did what was correct and left him to be pretty and beautiful unconditionally 🙂 The guy now realizes that his conditional self centered love has been the antagonist in his life.

      Liked by 2 people

        • No need to feel like that Kritika 🙂 I also don’t understand some of the posts I read and you’re brave enuf to write and ask the writer for his perspective and it awesome if another friend (Colin) comments and makes you understand the post exactly 🙂 He’s awesome !! And so are you 😉

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        • HI Kritika: I used to preamble many questions with “This is probably a stupid question but ………..?” One day a person replied “There is no such thing as a stupid question …… just a stupid answer.”
          If you are asking questions, you are prepared to learn and shouldn’t that always be your goal in life?
          Please do not feel stupid, but rather celebrate your inquisitive mind, your ability to ask questions, and your personal growth from these experiences. You are no doubt a very special person. Believe it!

          Liked by 2 people

          • I totally agree with you. Perhaps, I expected myself to read between the lines, since there have been times when I have written poems with hidden meaning, which were not easy to comprehend myself while writing them.
            Thanks again, Colin. I will always remember this. You are sweet. 🙂

            Liked by 2 people

            • Kritika – Reading between the lines is a necessary skill throughout life, but so is taking things at face value. So many people “over analyze” to a point where they become totally disconnected. i.e. I can ask you “How are you today?” Your problem would be to decide to whether to answer simply “Great thanks” , or be suspicious “Why are you asking?”, or to be totally defensive “It’s got nothing to with you”, or even to decline to answer. It is all based on you deciding whether to take my inquiry at face value, or read much more into it (reading between the lines). Poems (any writings) are much the same. If I don’t get an immediate sense of “direction”, then I start reading between the lines! Have a great day! 🙂

              Liked by 2 people

    • Yes it can be added but all the lines of the poem were pointing to it that the guy always thought about himself and that’s why he’s alone and not with that pretty gal 😦 Thank you Colin for always being encouraging in each and every post 🙂

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  2. Great poem Darshith. It’s really nice that the person realised in the end that they were marring something so beautiful with their own selfishness. It seems he comes to terms with her walking away which is a rare but good thing, some men just get more controlling and violent at that point.
    I wrote a short fiction based on this too on my blog, but from the girl’s perspective, don’t know if you’ve read it? Thanks for sharing 🙂

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