Through the peephole..

I don’t want to be outside
Knowing you through a peephole
I want you to open the gates
And let me flood in
Know you wholly
I am done
Living life your way
Knowing the parts of you
You wanted me to see
Now either let me see you wholly
Know you wholly
Let full submission be a part of us
Or cover the peephole
And bid me farewell
Because peephole is
Not letting me live
And not letting me leave
So, help me
And choose something
As I always said to you
You have the reigns & chains
It’s time again for you
To choose from options
And get me or forget me
I am just a closed door away
With the smile you like to see
With the heart you like to love
With the words you like to hear
Hopefully with the love you like to have


P.S. : Today’s song is Outside by Staind. One of my favorite 😉

Small bunch of important people!!

It’s rightly said “A small bunch of people can change the world. They are OUR FRIENDS.”

Easy come, Easy go!

But this is not how it turns out to be.

People come and they never leave,

yes, distance may increase, may be sometimes universe also changes, but the quality time spent,

the laughs shared, the glasses cheered, the puff of smoke blown,

the pat during hug, the sharing of secret, the comfort of silence,

the wink while befooling, the sleepless nights, the knowledge sharing of love & spiritual matters,

the feeling of being a Wing-man, the feeling of making a wing-man,

the feeling of having them always beside us,

the feeling of feeling every feeling with them.

This is how some people leave prints in our lives.

They may leave, but they will always be with us.

Dedicated to friends & their weird ways of making things easy!!